Academic Grievance Procedure

A special conference in-person or via zoom between the instructor/professor and the student should be arranged under optimum conditions. If conditions do not allow for this to occur or the matter remains unresolved the student can submit a grievance as outlined below:

  1. The student shall submit a grievance via dynamic forms to the instructor/professor's department chair or director where the incident occurred. The completed form, with all supporting documents, shall be submitted within (10) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) after the occurrence of the incident precipitating the grievance. Grievances must be filed at the departmental and college level within the academic area where the incident occurred.


  2. The department chair or director will acknowledge the receipt of the grievance, via dynamic forms within three (3) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) of receiving the grievance.


  3. The department chair will obtain a written response from the faculty member against whom the grievance is lodged. The department chair or director will respond expeditiously, via dynamic forms, to the grievance submitted, but no later than (5) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) after receipt of the grievance. The department chair or director may appoint a committee to review and submit recommendations regarding the grievance. The department chair or director will review the findings and make a ruling on the grievance. The student will receive a decision via email in dynamic forms. The student, upon receipt, must state on the grievance via dynamic form whether he/she is satisfied or unsatisfied with the ruling. If the student is satisfied, the matter is closed. If the student is unsatisfied with the ruling, he/she must indicate via dynamic form by signing and submitting.


  4. The Dean will respond expeditiously, in writing via dynamic forms, but no later than (10) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) following receipt from department chair or director. The Dean may appoint a committee to review the department chair or director's ruling or review the findings independently. The Dean will provide ruling to the student via dynamic forms. If the student is satisfied, the matter is closed, but if the student is unsatisfied with the ruling, the student can file an appeal to the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs via dynamic forms.


  5. The student must file the appeal to the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs within three (3) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) of being notified of the Dean's ruling. The Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs will acknowledge the receipt of the appeal, in writing, within three (3) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) of receiving the appeal. The written acknowledgement will be provided to the student via dynamic forms.


  6. The Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs will respond expeditiously, in writing, to the appeal submitted, but no later than (5) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) after receipt of the appeal. The Vice Chancellor may appoint a committee to review the Dean’s ruling. The Vice Chancellor will review the findings and make a ruling on the appeal. The Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs will provide ruling on the appeal to the student via dynamic forms. If the student is satisfied, the matter is closed, but if the student is unsatisfied with the ruling, the student can file an appeal to the office of the Chancellor via dynamic forms.


  7. The student must file the appeal to the Office of the Chancellor within three (3) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) of being notified of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs ruling. The office of the Chancellor will acknowledge receipt of the appeal, in writing, within three (3) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) of receiving the appeal. The written acknowledgement will be provided to the student via dynamic forms.


  8. The office of the Chancellor will respond expeditiously, in writing, to the appeal submitted, but no later than (7) working days (EXCLUDING WEEKENDS, UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS, AND UNIVERSITY CLOSURES) after receipt of the appeal. The Chancellor will review the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs ruling and make a final ruling on the appeal. The Chancellor will provide rulings to the student via dynamic forms. The decision of the Chancellor shall be final.