Americans with Disabilities Act Policy

Americans with Disabilities Act Policy

Southern University is committed to providing equal access for all persons with disabilities on the Baton Rouge Campus. The University recognizes that some persons with disabilities may require reasonable accommodations in order to achieve equal access to educational programs and activities. Federal and state laws protect both employees and students from illegal discrimination. Southern University is obligated to maintain compliance within all relevant laws pertaining to discrimination when alleged on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, disability, age, veteran status, marital status, parental status or other protected categories under state and federal law.
Any person denied reasonable accommodations, access to a university program or service, or who was offered an accommodation that is not acceptable to the individual is eligible to file a complaint through the Southern University Internal Discrimination Grievance Procedure. Persons with discrimination concerns are encouraged to consider the Southern University Internal Discrimination Grievance Procedure prior to seeking relief in an external forum. Seeking resolution through Southern University’s internal Discrimination Grievance Procedure will not impair the person’s right to pursue remedies in another forum outside of SUBR.

All ADA discrimination/504 complaints should be addressed to:

ADA Compliance Coordinator
Room 305, J.S. Clark Administration Building Southern University and A&M College
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70813
Phone: (225) 771-5021/Fax: (225) 771-2018/(TTY): (225) 771-3824

In the event that the ADA Compliance Coordinator has a conflict of interest and/or due to other circumstances is precluded from conducting an investigation, the Director of Disability Services, as listed below, will coordinate the University’s investigation and resolution of allegations of discrimination.
Director of Disability Services
P. O. Box 11298
246 Augustus C. Blanks Hall Southern University - Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70813
Phone: (225) 771-3546/Fax: (225) 771-3949