Dolores Margaret Richard Spikes Honors College

Interim Dean: Deadra James Mackie, Assistant Professor of Biology

The Honors College provides an enhanced educational experience for students who have a history of strong academic achievements and who have demonstrated exceptional creativity or talent. Students are challenged and nurtured through the use of innovative pedagogy, flexible and competitive curricula, and mentoring relationships with distinguished faculty and scholars. The College also provides cultural and intellectual opportunities that are designed to motivate students to perform at the highest level of excellence and through which they may become knowledgeable and effective leaders.

Admission Requirements

Students seeking membership in the D. M. R. Spikes Honors College must fall under one of six tiers. Tier I is for Valedictorians and Salutatorians with an ACT composite score of 20-22.9 or an equivalent SAT score (without writing); Tier II requires a minimum ACT composite score of 23-23.9 or the equivalent SAT score (without writing), with a minimum high school GPA of 3.30; Tier III requires a minimum ACT composite of 24 and above or an equivalent SAT score (without writing) and a minimum GPA of 3.30; Tier IV is for a minimum ACT composite score of 25 and above or an equivalent SAT score (without writing), with a high school GPA of 3.00-3.29; and Tier V requires a minimum ACT composite score of 27 and above or equivalent SAT score, with a high school GPA of 3.50 or above. Tier VI is for a minimum ACT composite 30 and above or equivalent SAT score (without writing), with a high school GPA of 3.5/4.0. Further up to date information is available at the Web site of the College ( Other factors affecting admission into the College, for non-freshmen applicants and transfer students, include writing skills, high school or college honors credits, oral communication skills, creative work experiences, leadership qualities, community service, and scholarly achievements in co- and extra- curricular activities, graduation rank and strong letters of recommendation.

Membership Classification

All students must meet the minimum entrance requirements and maintain a minimum, cumulative grade point average of 3.0/4.0, hold a full-time status, and take on average 4 or more honors credit hours each semester (Spring and Fall) to remain in the College.


The Honors College curriculum is designed for students to meet the requirements for the honors degree without completing additional courses in their curriculum or area of study. Courses are selected from the student’s major and designated-honors classes.

The honors curriculum consists of honors colloquia (at least 6 hours), h-option or honors contracted courses, independent study, and designated honors courses in the general curriculum and in student’s major area of study. Freshmen entering the Honors College will take selected honors-designated courses from the general curriculum, in addition to freshman colloquia.

Honors colloquia serve as the orientation courses in the College; they utilize innovative pedagogy and interdisciplinary approaches to current issues.

Selected Honors-Designated Course Areas

Colloquia English
Chemistry Humanities
Biology Engineering
History Independent Study
Honors Credit-by-Contract (H-Option or H-Opt.)

Honors Credit-by-Contract (H-Option) courses are intended to enable students in every major to pursue honors work. H-Option allows students some freedom in building their own honors curriculum, a flexibility that often results in experiences not characteristic of traditional programs.

Requirements for the Honors Degree

The designation Honors College graduate will be indicated on the transcript and diploma of students admitted to the College and who have achieved the following:

A 3.00 GPA in for all course work completed.
A 3.30 GPA in for all honors courses.
A minimum of 32 honors hours (Prorated for transfer students) to include:
4 hours of Regular Honors Colloquia.

2 hours of Senior Honors Thesis.

9 hours in the student’s major area.

Students completing the requirements for the honors degree will receive the official Honors College Medallion and Ceremonial Ribbon at commencement. A student must write and defend successfully a thesis in her/his respective discipline, in addition to the requirements spelled out above. Respective Latin honors will be indicated for students who graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or above.

Honors Core Curriculum

HONR112B. First Year Honors Colloquium (Credit, 1 hour).

HONR-113B. First Year Honors Colloquium (Credit, 1 hour).

HONR-212B -213B. Second Year Honors Colloquia (Credit, 1 hour).

HONR-312B -313B. Third Year Colloquia (Credit, 1 hour).

HONR-314B. Independent Study (Credit, 1 hour).

HONR-350B. Comprehensive Legal Reasoning and Writing (Credit, 2 hours).

HONR 412B -413B. Fourth Year Honors Colloquia (Credit, 1 hour).