Career Services

Mission Statement

The mission of the Career Services Center is to aid and assist the students and alumni of Southern University in developing, evaluating, and implementing career plans. The center, in partnership with local and national corporations, also provides opportunities for qualified applicants to secure internships and post-graduate employment.

Southern University Career Services was established as a centralized Bureau to assist Southern University students and alumni in obtaining satisfactory employment.

Some of the Center's specific functions are as follows:
• Provide information to students concerning career opportunities as they relate to foreseeable demands. Assist students in securing part-time employment.
• Provide information about the world of work. Relate occupational requirements to individual qualifications and interest.
• Provide information about summer employment and cooperative programs.
• Test and screen students for possible employment with various agencies.
• Coordinate recruitment activities. Provide current information about educational placement by using college catalogs, scholarship and other financial assistance announcements.
• Provide career counseling in special cases. Assist alumni, up to three (3) months following graduation date, in job search efforts.


Career Services - Board Room