Center for International Affairs Continuing Education Service Learning

Dean: Barbara W. Carpenter, PhD
Assistant Dean: Nadia Gadson Moses, PhD
SEVIS Officers (J-1 and F-1): Christal Carroll, Nadia Gadson-Moses, Barbara W. Carpenter
Service Learning Instructor/Coordinator: Lori Hitchens
Continuing Education Coordinator: Nadia Gadson-Moses
Administrative Assistant: Rosa Robins

JS Clark Administration Blg. 2nd Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Tel; 225 771-2613

Center for International Affairs

The Center for International Affairs and Continuing Education includes vital units of the University. The Center for International Affairs and Continuing Education is the official unit that is responsible for infusing an international perspective throughout the undergraduate and graduate curricula on the campus. All international education and development programs are coordinated through the Center. Much of this is accomplished through the expansion of study abroad programs for faculty and students. Opportunities for greater participation in exchange programs for faculty and staff as well as providing research, teaching and consultant opportunities through the International Education program serve as the impetus for this unit.
Study Abroad Programs are an integral component of the Center for International Affairs and Continuing Education. A majority of the study abroad opportunities are conducted through the establishment of Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with selected universities throughout the world. A unique facet of the study abroad program is the combination of international service learning with language acquisition. Students participate in service learning programs in various countries where they teach English, work with community projects and participate in health initiates while enrolling in language classes during their stay in the selected country.

The study abroad program is normally conducted during the May intersession of the academic year. Study abroad programs are also offered in selected countries through special academic departmental arrangements in conjunction with the Center for International Affairs and Continuing Education.


The Division of Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education offers programs for a growing and diverse population through courses for life-long learning and distance learning experiences. However, the Division of Continuing Education does not offer degree granting programs.

Throughout an 11 – parish area, a variety of credit and non-credit courses are offered for traditional and non-traditional students. Credit programs provided through the Division of Continuing Education represent an extended arm of the University’s regular undergraduate and graduate course offerings. Courses are scheduled on-campus and at off-campus sites.
Faculty are selected for their expertise and experience in the subject field to ensure quality and appropriateness for the courses taught in the Division of Continuing Education. Students desiring to pursue a degree are required to apply to the respective colleges for further assistance.
Also, non-credit classes and programs are offered through the Division of Continuing Education to persons in the community who are interested in self-help classes or increasing their knowledge and understanding of a subject. Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are offered to professional and non- professional persons or organizations who complete approved training courses in the respective fields.

The Evening and Weekend Program is operated through the Division of Continuing Education. The program provides an opportunity for the non-traditional student population to enroll in classes during off-peak times and on weekends. This program is especially useful to those who work full time.

The Center for Service Learning

The Center for Service Learning coordinates the service learning requirements for Southern University undergraduates. Students who were first-time freshmen at any post-secondary institution after August 1, 1993, are required to complete a minimum of 60 clock hours of service learning as one of the requirements for graduation. Those students 25 years of age or older who completed high school or who earned high school equivalency degrees seven or more years prior to admission and international students may have this requirement waived with the approval of the appropriate academic dean and the Director of the Center for Service Learning. Students who have been honorably discharged from the US military may also petition to have the requirement waived.

The service learning requirement may not be waived for any other reason except certifiable disability of such nature that service learning projects would jeopardize the welfare of the parties involved. Such waivers must be verified through the Center for Service Learning and filed in the Office of the Registrar.
Service Learning courses are:
Service Learning 100, 200, 300 (Credit, 1 Hour, each)
Service Learning 400 (Credit, 3 Hours)
Service Learning 000 (non-credit Hour)
International Service Learning 405 (Credit, 3-6 Hours)Office of International Affairs and University Outreach

Carpenter, Barbara W. (1980)
Professor and Dean, International Affairs; Director, Division of Continuing Education and Center for Service Learning; SEVIS Officer
B.S., M.Ed., Southern University; Ph.D., Kansas State University; Post-Doctoral Study, The Ohio State University.

Carroll-Johnson, Christal (2016)
Coordinator International Education, International Affairs: Instructor, Center for Service Learning; SEVIS Officer
B.S., M.S., Southern University; Further Study, Louisiana State University.

Gadson-Moses, Nadia (2009)
Associate Professor, Assistant Dean and Online Instructor, International Affairs; Division of Continuing Education and Center for Service Learning; SEVIS Officer
B.S., Southern University; M.A., Prairie View A&M University; Ph.D., University of Kentucky.

Hitchens, Lori (1990)
Coordinator and Instructor, Center for Service Learning
B.S., M.A., Southern University.

Robins, Rosa (2004)
Executive Assistant, International Affairs; Division of Continuing Education and Center for Service Learning; SEVIS Officer
Spencer Draughon Business College.

Tilson, Debra (1997)
International Technical Specialist, International Affairs; Division of Continuing Education and Center for Service Learning
B.S., Southern University; M.S., Southern New Hampshire University.

Service Learning (SVLR) Course Description


000. SERVICE LEARNING (Non-Credit, 0 hour). An introduction to the principles of volunteerism. Students will perform a minimum of 60 clock hours of service at an approved service-learning agency during the semester of enrollment. In addition to the service provided, written and oral reports, class assignments, reflections and scheduled student/instructor conferences are part of the course requirements. Service learning advisers assign, monitor, and evaluate all student volunteer work. Upon completion of the clock hours and class assignments, a pass or fail grade will be submitted to the Registrar’s office. Students must have full academic semester load excluding Service Learning 000. Approval for course enrollment granted by the Center for Service Learning Staff.

100/200/300. SERVICE LEARNING (Credit, 1 hour each). An introduction to the principles of volunteerism. Students will perform a minimum of 20 clock hours of service at an approved service-learning agency during the semester of enrollment for 100, 200, and 300 level courses. In addition to the service provided, written and oral reports, class assignments, reflections and scheduled student/instructor conferences are part of the course requirements. Service learning advisers assign, monitor, and evaluate all student volunteer work.

400. SERVICE LEARNING (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to the principles of volunteerism. Students will perform a minimum of 60 clock hours of service at approved service-learning agency during the semester of enrollment for 400 level courses. In addition to the service provided, written and oral reports, class assignments, reflections and scheduled student/instructor conferences are part of the course requirements. Service learning advisers assign, monitor, and evaluate all student work.

400B. ONLINE DEGREE SEEKING SERVICE LEARNING (Credit, 3 hours). An introduction to the principles of volunteerism. Students will use content knowledge from their program of study to identify a community need and to plan a project that could be carried out addressing the identified need. As students engage in academic service-learning activities, they will apply concepts and skills from their academic disciplines in response to relevant needs within their communities. Approval for course enrollment granted by the Center for Service Learning Staff.

405. INTERNATIONAL SERVICE LEARNING (Credit, 3-6 hours). This course will prepare students to address social and economic problems in foreign countries. Students will be exposed to a different cultural experience that will enable them to promote a better understanding of the peoples of the world. Each country in the Study Abroad Program will provide unique experiential experiences that are generic to that respective country. The course will include journal writing, research activities, a pre-departure component and a follow-up phase that will allow students to present and exhibit their works in local settings in the United States.