Attendance Policy

Attendance Management Policy

All faculty members are required to verify student attendance using codes designated for this purpose. The attendance codes are posted electronically during the first 14 class days of each semester for all students in all courses taught. Two codes are used: An “SH” indicates that the student has attended class (“Show”). An “NS” is administered for the students who did not attend a class during the same 14-day period (“No Show”). Each faculty member reports student attendance on the University’s grade reporting system.

Student attendance continues to be monitored after the census date (14th class day). Students who fail to complete 60% of the required attendance time for any course receive an “FN” code. This equates to a failing grade for students who do not meet the federal student aid attendance requirement. In order to ensure that faculty members are administering the “FN” code, as prescribed, the University’s internal auditor reviews a sampling of faculty roll books annually. The review of student attendance establishes whether the failing grade has been appropriately administered.