Tuition and Fees

Regular Session

Tuition and fees are approved by the Southern University Board of Supervisors each semester. Please check the website for the most current tuition and fees (

Students Dropping Courses

Refunds will be computed in accordance with the above schedule when a student’s course load is reduced such that the status changes to part-time. No refund will be made on athletics, building use, health, student facilities extension, student union, recreation, student insurance, technology fee, parking, breakage, late registration, student ID, academic enhancement fees, or other specially designated fees.

Refunds of Room Rent, Room Deposit, Key Deposit and Meal Ticket

Fall, Spring, and Regular Summer Sessions

If a student officially withdraws from the University, refund of room rent will be made on the following basis:

- Before the fourth full week of classes—the unexpended portion of the rent 75 percent
- After the fourth full week of classes to the end of the semester—the unexpended portion of the rent 50 percent

First, and Second Summer Sessions

- Before the second full week of classes—the unexpended portion of the rent 75 percent
- After the second full week of classes to the end of the semester—the unexpended portion of the rent 50 percent

Refunds of room rent are not given to students who vacate the residence halls without officially withdrawing from the University, or to individuals who are removed for disciplinary reasons.

Room deposit refunds are made following graduation or the presentation of proof that the student is no longer in residence during a regularly scheduled semester (i.e., Fall or Spring). Only that portion of the deposit in excess of any housing charges will be refunded.

Key deposit refunds are made to students by use of a key card credit voucher. Students who live in the residence halls shall present this voucher at registration to obtain a credit on their account. Students who no longer live in the residence halls or graduating students must secure a validated key card voucher from the Housing Office, and present it to the Bursar’s Office for a cash refund.

The unused portion of the meal ticket will be refunded upon official withdrawal from the University or for other authorized reasons.

After one year all outstanding student deposit balances generated from room deposits, key deposits and similar deposits, shall revert or be transferred to the System Revenue Fund Operating balance. This action shall be taken after applying the credits to any outstanding student debt or accounts receivable due the University.

Continuing and Extended Professional Education

In cases where a student is enrolled in courses which are canceled due to insufficient enrollees or other reasons, the student shall be entitled to a full refund of all fees applicable to those courses. In all other instances the regular refund policy shall apply.

Return of Title IV Federal Financial Aid

The University determines the refunds due students who receive federal financial aid in accordance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. In general, the new law assumes that a student “earns” approved (verified) federal financial aid awards in proportion to the number of days in the term prior to the student’s withdrawal from the University. If a student withdraws from the University, the University will calculate, according to a specific formula, the portion of the total scheduled financial assistance that the student has earned and is therefore entitled to retain, until the time that the student withdrew. If a student receives more assistance than he/she earns, the unearned funds must be returned to the Department of Education or the applicable lender. If a student’s charges are less than the amount earned, and a refund is due, the student may be able to receive those additional funds.

If it is determined that a portion of the financial aid received by the student is unearned, the University shall return the University’s portion to the Department of Education or the applicable lender. The student is responsible for returning any remaining unearned funds. Any funds that the student is required to return to the federal programs are considered an overpayment. The student must either repay the amount in full or make satisfactory payment arrangements with the Department of Education to repay the amount. If the student fails to repay, or make payment arrangements, to repay an overpayment, the student will lose his/her eligibility to receive future federal financial aids at any institution.

Priority Distribution of Refunds for University Loans

The University makes loans to its students in the form of accounts receivables and/or deferred payments as a substitute for cash, in order to satisfy the costs of registration. Any of these loans which are still due for a current (or past) semester, that have not been paid at the time of a student’s withdrawal, will be reduced as a first priority by the amount any refund credit due to a student. This is necessary since the actual cash has not been received by the University from the students.


The following fees are non-refundable:

  • General Application Fee
  • Vehicle Registration Fee
  • Deferred Payment Fee



Withdraws from the University by going to the Registrar’s Office and completing required forms.

Residential Housing

On-campus students, upon official check-out from the residence hall (students must remove all belongings and return key to residence hall office), must submit withdrawal slip, billing statement, meal card, and key card to the Southern University Residential Housing Department. NOTE: Off- campus students do not require the signature of the Director of Residential Housing.

Registrar’s Office

After student secures all the necessary signatures, the Registrar’s office processes the withdrawal form and the student is issued a copy. Forwards a copy of the withdrawal form to the Residential Housing Department and to the Comptroller’s (Bursar’s) Office.

Residential Housing

Computes refund due to student for room and board after verification of documents. Transmits all documents to the Comptroller’s Office.

Bursar’s Office

Receives documents from Residential Housing and calculates the total amount of refund due student including housing refunds (for on- campus students), tuition, and other fees for all students. Transmits document to the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Financial Aid Office

Receives documents from the Bursar’s Office and proceeds to execute the refund in accordance with Title IV refund guidelines. Prepares departmental invoice to return funds to lender, if necessary. Also provides necessary accounting procedure to ensure that all Title IV funds are credited properly to student account and transmits all documentation in support thereof to the Bursar’s Office, for a check.

Bursar’s Office

Receives documents from the Financial Aid Office and proceeds to execute the documents for refund through the Comptroller’s Office.

Comptroller’s Office

Processes vouchers and releases check.