Pre-College and Outreach - Dual Enrollment


Location: William H. Stewart Hall, 3rd Floor

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. M-F

Telephone: (225) 771-4300

Email: or

Executive Director: Dr. Kyla Pitcher


Within the Pre-College and Outreach ambit are critical student support services that introduce high school students to their first college experiences in preparation for post-secondary education.
Each program provides enriching and engaging opportunities that develop students holistically, strengthen them academically, and support a seamless transition to college. The programs are facilitated by a highly qualified and dedicated staff comprised of directors, recruiters, professors, teachers, project managers, coordinators, advisors, tutors, and administrative support. These professionals work closely with the students, ensuring their success to matriculate and ultimately graduate from post-secondary institutions.

The programs are as follows:

Dual Enrollment

The Dual Enrollment program offers high school students a streamlined path to higher education by allowing them to earn college credits while still in high school, enhancing their academic, personal, and career development. Students are concurrently enrolled in both high school and college, with courses counting towards both diplomas. Courses follow the college curriculum and are taught by qualified college professors or high school instructors approved to teach at the college level.

Director: Dr. Kyla Pitcher


Website: Dual Enrollment Program Overview | Southern University and A&M College (

Phone: (225) 771-4300


TRIO Educational Talent Search

Educational Talent Search (ETS) offers a comprehensive collection of preparatory support services to guide students from middle school through high school and into college or career training. Through both in-person and virtual workshops at participating schools, ETS advisors cover crucial topics including study skills, test-taking strategies, goal setting, college and career planning, admissions processes, financial literacy, and accessing financial aid and scholarships. Additionally, ETS provides a range of supplemental resources, available online and in-person, to boost students' aspirations, academic skills, and potential, ensuring they are well-prepared for entry into higher education or vocational training.

Director: Ms. Patricia Doucet


Website: ETS Program Overview | Southern University and A&M College (

Phone: (225) 771-5100

Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Program

The Ronald E. McNair Program aims to support low-income, first-generation college students, and those from underrepresented groups in graduate education, by offering grants to higher education institutions. Its purpose is to provide academic and support services to prepare participants for doctoral studies. This includes opportunities for research, summer internships, seminars, tutoring, and academic counseling, along with assistance in securing admission and financial aid for graduate programs. Additionally, the program offers services to enhance financial and economic literacy, mentoring by faculty and students, and exposure to cultural events and academic programs typically inaccessible to disadvantaged students.

Director: Dr. Julius Turner


Website: Pre-College and Outreach Programs | Southern University and A&M College (

Phone: (225) 771-3957

TRIO Upward Bound / Upward Bound Math and Science

Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Science programs are committed to providing essential support to high school students, particularly those from low-income families and those whose parents do not hold a bachelor's degree, in their journey towards college admission. With a focus on enhancing precollege performance and facilitating higher education attainment, Upward Bound aims to increase the rate of secondary education completion and higher education enrollment and graduation among its participants. The Upward Bound Math and Science program specifically aims to bolster students' math and science skills, encouraging them to excel in these fields and pursue postsecondary degrees and careers in math and science professions. Together, these programs equip students with the necessary tools and motivation to succeed academically and professionally in a supportive and empowering environment.

Additionally, the Upward Bound Summer Residency Program provides nearly three hundred students an opportunity to experience campus life for a six-week period while receiving personal, professional and academic development.

Lead Director: Ms. Rhonda Robinson


Website: Program Overview | Southern University and A&M College (

Phone: (225) 771-3880