Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty
Southern University and A&M College identifies academic dishonesty as any deliberate attempt to gain an unfair advantage in academic work. Academic dishonesty is further defined as:
• Unfair advantage: receiving, stealing, reproducing, or circulating exam materials prior to an exam; receiving, stealing, destroying, defacing, or concealing materials for the purpose of depriving others of their use; unauthorized collaborating on an academic assignment; failure to return assignments or an exam as instructed; intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student’s academic work; or engaging in any activity with the purpose of creating or obtaining an unfair academic advantage over other students.
• Cheating: unauthorized use of information, notes, or study aids on an exam; altering graded Revised: August 2016 - 5 assignments; or submitting work done by another person.
• Falsification of information: intentionally furnishing false or misleading information; altering documents; forging signatures; or impersonating someone in an exam.
• Plagiarism: presentation or submission of work by someone else, as if it were one’s own, including drafts of assignments.
• Unauthorized access to academic records: viewing, altering, or dispensing academic, administrative, or computer records; modifying academic, administrative, or computer records, computer programs, or systems; or interfering with the use or availability of academic, administrative, or computer records or computer systems.
• Other: fraud, providing information, material, or other assistance with knowledge that such assistance could be used in violation of the Student Code of Conduct or other University policies, or providing false information in connection with any inquiry regarding academic dishonesty.
Students who commit acts of academic dishonesty fail to meet the fundamental requirement of satisfactory academic performance at Southern University and A&M College. Any student who commits an act of academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action. In instances where a student has clearly been identified as having committed an act of academic dishonesty, an instructor must take appropriate disciplinary action initially, including awarding the penalty grade of “F” for the assignment, exam, or course, subject to review and endorsement by the Office of the Dean of Students. Repeated offenses will lead to dismissal from the University.
All alleged offenses must be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students.
Reporting Academic Dishonesty Southern University and A&M College expects students to uphold truth and honesty in protecting the validity of their Southern University education. Students are expected to complete original academic work.
The following information addresses procedures to be used by faculty members in instances of academic dishonesty.
• If an instructor alleges a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, the instructor is responsible for taking appropriate action initially. The instructor may give the student a penalty grade of “F” for the assignment, exam, or course if there is sufficient evidence to determine that the student is responsible for committing academic dishonesty. The penalty grade may also be a reduced score or grade for the assignment or a reduced grade for the course.
• The penalty grade process is as follows when a student is found responsible for violation the University’s policy on academic dishonesty:
o For the first penalty grade issued by an instructor, the responsible student will receive a letter from the Office of the Dean of Students informing them of being placed on disciplinary probation for one academic year.
o For the second penalty grade, the responsible student will be suspended from the University for one full semester. The Office of the Dean of Students will inform the student of their rights in writing and the student will be afforded due process as defined in the Student Code of Conduct.
o For the third penalty grade, the responsible student will be expelled from the University for repeated violations of academic dishonesty. The student will be informed of their rights and due process afforded as prescribed by the Student Code of Conduct.
• When an instructor gives a student a penalty grade for academic dishonesty, the instructor must notify (in writing) the Office of the Dean of Students. In notifying the Office of the Dean of Students, the instructor may ask the Office of the Dean of Students to initiate a disciplinary hearing to impose additional sanctions. When the Office of the Dean of Students makes a judgment, a sanction in addition to, or other than, a penalty grade (e.g., suspension from the academic program, or the University), the decision is final. The final determination is then forwarded to the instructor and the department chairperson. Revised: August 2016 - 6 No student may be dismissed from a course, program of study, or the university without due process as outlined by the Student Code of Conduct.
Other Academic Dishonesty Criteria
• Charged students found responsible for engaging in the act of exchanging test information with peers during the course of an exam shall receive the penalty grade “F” on the exam or for the course.
• Charged students found responsible for engaging in the use of prohibited instruments, such as a cheat sheets or forbidden electronic devices during an exam shall receive the penalty grade “F” for the course.
• Charged students found responsible for using a “stand-in” student to take an exam for a student enrolled in a course, the student enrolled in the course shall receive the penalty grade for the course and will be suspended from the University for one year (3 semesters). The “stand-in” student, if enrolled in the University, shall be suspended from the University for one year (3 semesters).
• Charged students found responsible for using non-original academic work, exam materials, or other graded assignments, or the manipulation of official class records shall receive the penalty grade “F” for the course and are subject to be expelled from the University.