Student Conduct

The Director of Student Conduct assists with resolving University-related concerns, complaints, and administers the Code of Conduct and other selected policies and procedures which are in the Student Handbook. Students are encouraged to read this document to understand the academic and behavioral expectations of the Southern University community. In addition, the Office of Student Conduct is responsible adjudicating parking violation appeals.


Non- Academic Student complaints are addressed through the Office of Student Conduct. The Coordinator for Student Conduct is a university liaison for non-academic student complaints. Students’ confidential files are housed and secured in the office. The Student Handbook and Resource Guide which includes University policies is made available to commuter, residential, online, undergraduate, graduate, full-time and or part-time students. Students initiate a complaint in the Office of the Coordinator by completing a Student Complaint Form. The nature of the issues determines whether other University departments will be involved.

Students may also report any campus and/or community concerns involving the health, safety, and welfare of a student to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.