CMPS 394B Mobil Deployment

394. Mobil Deployment (server side components and excercises) (Credit, 3 Hours). This course will cover topics related to mobile deployment. Discussion topics include application development and deployment, communication methods,data exchange standards, logging, analytics, infrastructure concepts, troubleshooting, and interfacing with back-end systems. The excepted coverage areas of this course include networking and server infrastructure components, usage of middleware application server, consumer infrastructure, enterprise infrastructure, MBAAS (Mobile Back-end As a Service), patterns (firewalls, routers, content delivery networks, cache servers, proxy servers, application, web, and database servers, as well as API servers/services). Languages used in this course are Java, PHP, Node.Js, Ruby, and some scripting as needed. Cloud services such as IBM Bluemix, Amazon EC2, Google App Engine, Heroku, will be used in this course for education purposes. Prerequisites: 393 Mobile Client


