Statement of Purpose
The Southern University and A&M College offers programs of study ranging from bachelor’s degrees to doctoral and professional degrees. Educational opportunities are provided for traditional and non- traditional students offering scholarly interaction among diverse people. The University is committed to a broad program of research, both basic and applied, and creative work to stimulate the faculty and students in a quest for knowledge and to aid society in resolving its scientific, technological, socioeconomic, and cultural problems.
Southern University renders service to the community through urban and rural programs and makes available educational, cultural, and developmental resources to enhance the quality of life. Adhering to the spirit ` function as an 1890 Land-Grant Institution, the University’s public service programs have assumed a prominent posture throughout the State of Louisiana, nationally, and internationally. Southern University views diversity as vital to the health of any educational enterprise. To support this philosophy, the University takes affirmative steps to maintain a multicultural faculty, staff, and student body. This diversity is achieved principally through assertive recruitment efforts and through multifaceted international programs.
The University seeks to recruit and maintain a faculty which through its preparation and scholarly activities exerts a profound effect on various institutions in the state, region, nation, and world. Beyond their traditional roles, faculty members perform distinguished services that complement and enhance both teaching and research initiatives and provide an additional mechanism for Southern University to serve the community at large.
The University develops and maintains a safe physical environment that is conducive to intellectual growth and development while operating in accordance with the highest standards of fiscal and administrative management. This environment is enhanced through the use of the most recent information technology, which offers the university community access to resources from throughout the world.