Bachelor of Music - Education
Degree Requirements
Degree Requirements of the Department: Applicants to the music program must audition in a major area of performance for admittance to one of the music curricula. In addition, entering freshmen are required to take a placement examination testing aural ability and knowledge of elementary theory. Provisional admittance is granted to applicants whose placement results indicate the need for preparatory study in theory and/or performance. All students are encouraged to have pre-college work in basic theory as well as study in performance areas, i.e., piano, voice and instrumental.
Music majors are required to attend the weekly performance and recital class, which is part of the applied music and departmental requirement. The performance requirement also includes attendance at a stipulated number of faculty and other artist recitals, performances by departmental ensembles, and other specified performances on and off campus. Majors must fulfill the performance requirement for the duration of enrollment in applied music or for a minimum of eight semesters. Minors must fulfill the same requirements for the duration of enrollment in applied music. Majors are required to be in continuous enrollment in applied music through completion of the senior recital during the last semester in residence, which is a requirement for majors in the Bachelor of Music with a concentration in education may prepare a senior project in lieu of the senior recital.
First Year
First Semester
*MUSC 108: Piano Majors do not take Secondary Piano
Second Semester
| Math Requirement | 3 |
SENL 102B | English Composition II | 3 |
| Humanities Requirement | 3 |
MUSC 103B | Harmony | 2 |
MUSC 105B | Ear Training & Sight-Singing_ | 2 |
| MU-Major Applied | 2 |
MUSC 131B | Performance Class | 0 |
| MU-Large Ensemble | 1 |
MUSC 109B | Secondary (Class) Piano | 1 |
Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
*MUSC 109: Piano Majors do not take Secondary Piano
Total Credit Hours: 16
Second Year
First Semester
| Natural Sciences Requirement | 3 |
MUSC 114B | Music Technology | 2 |
MUSC 204B | Ear Training and Sight Singing | 2 |
MUSC 202B | Harmony | 2 |
| MU-Major Applied | 2 |
MUSC 230B | Performance Class | 0 |
| Large Ensemble | 1 |
MUSC 208B | Secondary (Class) Piano | 1 |
| MU-Large Ensemble | 1 |
SPSY 201B | Gen Psychology | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
*MUSC 208: Piano Majors do not take Secondary Piano
Second Semester
| Natural Sciences Requirement | 3 |
MUSC 203B | Harmony | 2 |
MUSC 205B | Ear Training and Sight Singing | 2 |
| MU-Major Applied | 2 |
MUSC 231B | Performance Class | 0 |
MUSC 209B | Secondary (Class) Piano | 1 |
| Large/Chamber Ensemble | 1 |
| | |
SPSY 221B | Adol Psychology | 3 |
| Or | |
SPSY 231B | Child Psychology | 3 |
| | |
| Concentration Elective | 2 |
SVLR 000B | Service Learning | 0 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
*MUSC 209: Piano Majors do not take Secondary Piano
Third Year
First Semester
MUSC 250B | Music History and Literature | 3 |
MUSC 304B | Counterpoint | 2 |
| MU-Major Applied | 2 |
MUSC 330B | Performance Class | 0 |
| MU-Large Chamber Ensemble | 1 |
CRIN 416B | Prin/Tchg Mus in the Elem Grad | 2 |
CRIN 328B | School Discipline Met | 3 |
| Concentration Elective | 2 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Second Semester
| Social or Behavioral Science Requirement | 3 |
MUSC 251B | Music History and Literature | 3 |
MUSC 302B | Form and Analysis I | 2 |
| MU-Major Applied | 2 |
MUSC 331B | Performance Class | 0 |
| Large/Chamber Ensemble | 1 |
CRIN 417B | Prin/Tchg Mus In Sec Sch | 2 |
| Concentration Elective | 2 |
| Concentration Elective | 2 |
Total Credit Hours: | 18 |
Fourth Year
First Semester
SPHY 211B | Elements Physics I | 3 |
| | |
MUSC 418B | Choral Conducting | 2 |
| Or | |
MUSC 419B | Instrumental Conducting | 2 |
| | |
| MU-Major Applied | 2 |
MUSC 430B | Performance Class | 0 |
| Large/Chamber Ensemble | 1 |
CRIN 495B | Teaching Readg in Sec Schools | 3 |
| Concentration Elective | 2 |
| Concentration Elective | 2 |
CRIN 467B | Obser of StuTeach in Sec Edu I | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 18 |
Second Semester
| Praxis II Music-Content Knowledge | |
| Social or Behavioral Science Requirement | 3 |
| Major Applied Recital | |
MUSC 431B | Performance Class | 0 |
CRIN 463B | Obser of StuTeach in Elem Ed I | 3 |
| Humanities Requirement | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 14 |
Ensemble, MUSC 431, and Performance only: Piano majors do not have to take Secondary Piano
Vocal Music Education Concentration
Applied Music
Large Ensemble
Chamber Ensemble
Instrumental-Music Education Concentration
Applied Music (Instrumental)
Large Ensemble
Chamber Ensemble
Orchestration or Band Arranging
Piano Education Concentration
Applied Music (Piano)
Art of Accompanying
Piano Pedagogy
Total Hours per concentration
Bachelor of Music: Vocal Education Concentration (131)
Bachelor of Music: Instrumental Music Education Concentration (131)
Bachelor of Music: Piano Education Concentration (131)
Nine (9) of the 131 hours include the following:
Observation of Student Teaching I |
CRIN 467 |
3 |
First Semester 4th year |
Observation of Student Teaching II |
CRIN 463 |
6 |
Second Semester 4th year |
Total classroom hours for each concentration: 122
Total credit hours: 128