Department of Mass Communication

Dr. Yolanda Campbell

The Department of Mass Communication provides programs to students preparing for careers in broadcast, print journalism, and public relations. The department seeks to impart the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed and valued in journalism and public relations. Students are expected to develop the discipline of working under deadlines, to use the English language properly, and to become knowledgeable about current news events. Each of three concentrations—Broadcast News, News Editorial, and Public Relations—consists of a common core of courses and a major area of specialization, along with electives at the junior and senior levels. The core courses are designed to develop a practical, theoretical, and ethical foundation common to all areas of the mass media.

Transfer Credit:

Students who transfer from other divisions of the University and accredited colleges and universities must meet the same eligibility requirements stated above. The College of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies will determine the acceptability of transfers credits to the respective degree programs and may decline to accept transfer credit for any course when the grade earned is lower than a “C.”

Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication Public Relations

  Minor in Public Relations

Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication Broadcast Journalism

  Minor in Broadcast News

Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication Print Journalism

  Minor in Print Journalism

Mass Communication Electives