UFOR 394B Environmental Ethics

UFOR 394B. Envrionmental Ethics. (3 Credit Hours). This course will provide an in-depth discussion of the field of environmental ethics. The course will cover a range of issues including the relationship between human and nonhuman world. Some of the main competing paradigms pertaining to the environment such as anthropocentric, biocentric, theocentric and ecocentric viewpoints will be discussed in relation to the concept of philosophical roots of anthropecentricism. In addition, central ideological and theoretical responses to the environmental challenges movements in the late 1970s and early 1980s such as Deep Ecology, Social Ecology, Radical Environmentalism, Ecological Feminism, Political Action, environmenta racism, the problems posed by overpopulation, economic policy and globaliztaion will be discussed. The course will provide case studies to assist build studnt understanding of how world views and ethical considerations influence and shape decision making and develop sustainable enviormental management.
