Administrative Support Units

Research Council
The University Research Council is comprised of research faculty who serve in an advisory role to the Vice Chancellor for Research and the Office of Sponsored Programs on matters related to grants, contracts, and sponsored agreements. The council advises on internal policy-related matters as well as those proposed by external agencies and bodies. Specifically, the goals of the University Research Council include: (1) promoting and encouraging applicable research programs in all academic areas; (2 facilitating research programs of excellence for the University; (3) fostering research programs of excellent quality and stimulating the faculty and students in a quest for knowledge and to aid society in resolving its scientific, technological, socioeconomic and cultural problems; and (4) supporting research agencies or instruments that provide a forum for faculty and students.

Research Evaluation Committee
The Research Evaluation Committee is composed of research faculty, non-research faculty, and members of the public sector. Its function is to serve as an official reviewer and evaluator of the effectiveness of the University’s research infrastructure. This includes: (1) determining the extent or range of research-related problems and tasks considering the University’s mission, present research infrastructure, curricula, faculty, students, centers, and graduate programs; (2) performing process evaluation that seeks to confirm actual adherence to the University’s research goal (vision), objectives and proposed plan (on-going process); and (3) impacting evaluation that measures the outcomes or results against its goals and objectives.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an administrative body, composed of research faculty members and administrators, established to protect the rights and welfare of human and animal research subjects recruited/used to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of Southern University and A&M College and its independent Colleges, Departments and Research Centers. The IRB is charged with reviewing, prior to its initiation, all research (whether funded or not) involving human and animal participants. The IRB has the authority to approve, disapprove, monitor, and require modifications in all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both federal regulations and institutional policy. The IRB shall have at least seven (7) members of varying backgrounds in order to provide complete and adequate review of human and animal research under its institutional, legal, scientific, and social implications. The Board will include one member who is not a scientist. The IRB has several consultants who advise the Board and are periodically involved in protocol review under the following areas of research concern:
• Research Oversight
• Recombinant DNA
• Hazardous Materials
• Human Subjects Assurance
• Animal Subjects (Laboratory Animals Care and Use)