UFOR 470B Advanced Remote Sensing

470. ADVANCED REMOTE SENSING (Credit, 3 hours) (Lec., 2hours; Lab, 2 hours). This course introduces the students with the advanced principles of remote sensing and develops skills in using remote sensing data and techniques for urban forestry and natural resources. The first part of the course will cover the principles and techniques of acquisition, enhancement, and analysis of remote sensing imagery, as well as visual and computer-based image interpretation. The second part of the course deals with application of remote sensing principles and data in urban forestry and natural rescources. Topics include the use of Remote Sensing for environmental applications related to different studies of vegetation, soil, water, air and land use/land cover. The course emphasizes a hands-on learning environment, with in depth insights into theoretical and conceptual underpinnings in satellite remote sensing. Prerequisites: Introductory remote sensing course or equivalent courses or experience using remote sensing in the work environment with permission from the instructor.
