SPAU 261B Intro to Res&Evi Prac Comm Dis

SPAU 261B. INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE IN COMMUNICATION DISORDERS. (3 Credit Hours). The course is designed to provide for the development of research knowledge, tools, and skills related to the professions that specialize in communication disorders: speech-language pathology, audiology, hearing, and speech and language science. An important emphasis of this course is how to use your knowledge of research methods to evaluate current or proposed interventions in communication disorders. Students will practice evaluating and summarizing research results in order to present these results to consumers. The course will focus on the types of research, research designs, and research methods that are commonly used to investigate normal and disordered human communication. This course is to prepare students to be critical consumers of the research literature and become familiar with evidence-based practice in the communication sciences and disorders.
