SCHE 220B General Organic Chemistry Lab
GENERAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY (Credit, CHEM 220, 1 hour; Lab, 3 hours) (Credit, CHEM 221, 2 hours; Lab, 6 hours). Laboratory techniques that deal with methods of purification, synthesis, and properties of carbon compounds. CHEM 220 is designed to accompany CHEM 230, while CHEM 221 is designed to accompany CHEM 231. Prerequisites for CHEM 220 are CHEM 133 and CHEM 113; CHEM 230 is a co-requisite or prerequisite for CHEM 220; CHEM 230 and CHEM 220 are prerequisites for CHEM 221; CHEM 231 is a corequisite or prerequisite for CHEM 221.