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Undergraduate Catalog
Narrative Courses
> Upper Level Elective
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Southern University System Board of Supervisors
Programs of Study
The University
Office of the Registrar
Tuition and Fees
General Policies
Office of Enrollment Management
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Pre-College and Outreach - Dual Enrollment
Career Services
Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Office of Student Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs
Degrees and Programs
University College
Dolores Margaret Richard Spikes Honors College
Center for International Affairs Continuing Education Service Learning
Reserve Officer Training Corps ROTC Programs
Office of Research and Strategic Initiatives
ACCT - Accounting
AGEC - Agriculture Econmics
AGSC - Agriculture Science
ARAB - Arabic
ARCH - Architecture
BHVS - Behavior Studies
BIOL - Biology
BUSP - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CIEN - Civil Engineering
CMPS - Computer Science
COOP - Cooperative Education
CRJU - Criminal Justice
DANC - Dance
EBIZ - Electronic Business
ECON - Economics
EDLD - Educational Leadership
EENT - Electronics Engineering Techno
ELEN - Electrical Engineering
ENCO - English Co-Requisite
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENTR - Business Entrepreneurship
FINC - Finance
FREN - French
FRMN - Freshman Studies
GEOG - Geography
GERM - German
HIST - History
HLSC - Health Science
HLTH - Health
HONR - Honors
HUMN - Humanities
INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
JAPN - Japanese
LBSC - Library Science
MACO - Math CoRequisite NonScience
MATC - Math CoRequisite Science Major
MATH - Mathematics
MCOM - Mass Communication
MEEN - Mechanical Engineering
MEET - Mechanical Engineering Tech
MGMT - Management
MILS - Military Science
MKTG - Marketing
MUBR - Brass
MUCC - Concert Choir
MUCH - University Choir
MUEB - Brass Ensemble
MUJE - Jazz Ensemble
MUMB - Marching Band
MUOW - Opera Workshop
MUPC - Percussions
MUPE - Percussions Ensemble
MUSC - Music
MUWE - Wind Ensemble
MUWW - Woodwind
Narrative Courses
PHED (Physical Ed. Activity) (1)
World Languages Sequence I
World Languages Sequence II
Accounting Elective
African American Experience
AGST Elective
Arts Requirement
Biology Elective
Biology Requirement
Biology Requirement - Lab
Biosecurity and Invasive Species Management
Bona Fide Minor Requirement
Business Elective
Chemistry Requirement
Coastal Zone Management
College Success Skills
Computer Engineering Elective
Computer Engineering Lab Elective
Computer Science Elective
Concentration Requirement
Economics Elective
Economics Requirement
Electrical Engineering Elective
Electrical Engineering Lab Elective
English Composition II
English Course Elective
English Elective
English Literature Requirement
English Period Course Elective
English Requirement
Family and Consumer Sciences Elective
Finance Elective
Finance or Economics Elective
Fine Arts Requirement
Fire Management in Urban and Rural Wildland Interface
Foreign Language
Foreign Language Elective
Foreign Language Sequence I
Foreign Language Sequence II
Free Elective
Free Elective (1)
General Tech Elective
Geography Elective
Health Elective
Health-PE Elective
Health Requirement
History Requirement
History Sequence
Humanities Elective
Humanities Requirement
Intermediate World Language
Life Science Requirement
Literature Elective
Literature Requirement
Major Applied/Recital
Management Elective
Management or Marketing Elective
Marketing Elective
Mass Communication Elective
Materials Science and Engineering Elective
Math Minor Requirement
Math Requirement
Math Requirement Block 1
Math Requirement Block 2
Math Requirement Block 3
Minor 2 Concentration Course
MU Large Chamber Ensemble
MU Large Ensemble
MU Major Applied
Music Elective
Natural Science Lab
Natural Science Sequence
Natural Sciences Requirement
Non U S History Elective
Open Requirement
Or higher
Philosophy Elective
Physical Education Activity
Physical Education Elective
Physical Education Requirement
Physical Science Lab
Physical Science Requirement
Physics Requirement
Physiology Elective
Political Science Elective
Praxis II
Praxis II Music Content Knowledge
Psychology Elective
Service Learning-60hrs
Social or Behavioral Science Requirement
Social Work Elective
Sociology Elective
Soil Erosion Control Remediation and Conservation Technologies
Speech/Theatre Elective
Statistics Elective
Social-Behavioral Science Requirement
Social Science Requirement
Technical Elective
Technical Lab Elective
Technical Requirement I
Technical Requirement II
Thermal Science Elective
Upper Level Elective
Writing Proficiency Exam
NASA - Graduation Only
NAVS - Military Science Navy
BRJX - Baton Rouge Comm Crs Reg
COMP - Computer Science
ELET - Electronic Engineering Tech
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
LENF - Law Enforcement
LIBR - Library Science
LSUX - LSU Cross Register
NURS - Nursing
PLSS - Plant and Soil Science
SCOM - Communications-SU
SLUX - Southeastern Cross Register
STUD - Study Abroad Program
SUNO - Southern Univ NO Cross Registe
TMTH - Technical Mathematics
PHED - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PORT - Portugese
PSYC - Psychology
REHB - Rehabilitation Counseling
SACC - Accounting -SU
SBIO - Biology-SU
SCHE - Chemistry-SU
SCJU - Criminal Justice-SU
SECO - Economics-SU
SENL - English-SU
SFIA - Fine Arts-SU
SHIS - History-SU
SMAT - Mathematics-SU
SOCL - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPAU - Speech Pathology and Audiology
SPED - Special Education
SPHY - Physics-SU
SPOL - Political Science-SU
SPSY - Psychology-SU
SPTH - Speech and Theater
SSOC - Sociology-SU
SSPN - Spanish-SU
STHE - Theater-SU
SVLR - Service Learning
SWAH - Swahili
TRLS - Therapeutic Recreation Leisure
TURK - Turkish
UCOL - University College
UFOR - Urban Forestry
WOLO - Wolof
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Upper Level Elective