EPHD 733B Philanthropy&Nonprofit Sector
EPHD 733B. Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector. (Credit, 3 hours)
This course provides an overview of America’s tradition of philanthropy and its relevance for today’s fundraisers. The course explores changes in donor markets which impact the practice of philanthropy in the 21st century. Additionally, the course examines expectations for ethical behavior and accountability. This course also discusses the theoretical basis and goals of fundraising activities and reviews the framework for establishing a comprehensive development program.
It further examines the theoretical, philosophical, practical, and ethical perspectives related to the effective management and leadership of nonprofit organizations in the twenty-first century. Upon completion of the course, the student will possess an understanding of the historical development of the nonprofit sector; the multiple rationales for the existence of the nonprofit sector; the distinctive characteristics of nonprofit organizations; the structures, processes and complexities of organizational governance shared by volunteer board members and professional staff; the dynamic environment of the contemporary nonprofit organization; and the current issues of importance to nonprofit decision makers.
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