Change of Major or Program

A graduate student who wishes to change his/her major or program must submit a formal application through the Office of Graduate Studies and receive approval of the appropriate department chairpersons (the student's current department and desired new department). Approval must be obtained prior to making the change. Upon approval, a student may enroll in courses in the chosen new program toward a graduate degree. 

Howeverstudents who change program/major should note the following

  • Requests for all changes (including curriculum, program, degree, etc.) must be submitted to the dean of the Graduate School at least one semester prior to the date of graduation 
  • A maximum of six credit hours of course work pursued before the change of major/program may be used to satisfy the requirements for the new program, only if those hours are applicable to the new plan of study 
  • For graduation and other purposes, students who change major/program, will be evaluated using the Graduate School Catalog and University policies and regulations that are in force at the time of the change