Non-Degree Applicants

Graduates of accredited colleges and universities, who wish to enroll in selected courses, but not pursue a formal degree program at the undergraduate or graduate level, may be considered for admission as non-degree students in the Graduate School. Applicants who seek non-degree status are required to submit an official transcript and a completed admission application with an application fee. The non-degree status is intended to provide an applicant permission to take courses. Therefore, applicants who are granted non-degree status should note that acceptance, as a non-degree student does not in any way imply and/or guarantee subsequent change to regular admission status. Such applicants must also note the following policies of the Graduate School concerning the non-degree status. 

  • Non-degree students are permitted to take a maximum of six credit hours per semester (Fall and Spring) and three credit hours during the Summer term. Exceptions to the rule must receive prior approval from the dean of the graduate school.
  • A maximum of twelve semester credit hours taken as a non- degree student may be applied toward a graduate degree, if the student is admitted into a graduate program at a later date, provided that: 
  • Those twelve credit hours consist of graduate level courses (500 level and above or equivalent) 
  • Those twelve credit hours are part of the Plan of Study for the specific selected degree program and are accepted by the selected department 
  • An advisor, the department chairperson, and the academic dean of the graduate school have approved those courses. Southern University encourages applications from qualified applicants of both sexes from all cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic groups. The University does not discriminate based on race, religious belief, national origin, disability or age in admission or access to its programs and activities. 

General Regulations

It is the responsibility of the graduate student to be informed of and to observe all regulations and procedures required by the Graduate School as well as the program the student is pursuing. The student must be familiar with those sections of the Graduate Catalog that outline general policies, regulations and requirements, specific degree program and department requirements, and the requirements of the Graduate School. Lack of knowledge of a rule does not constitute a basis for waiving that rule. Any exception to the policies stated in the Graduate Catalog requires the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School. 

After admission to the Graduate School, but before the first registration, a student should consult the faculty advisor and/or the graduate coordinator in the major department concerning course transfers, degree requirements, and special regulations of the department. All plans of study, courses, and class schedules require the approval of the Chair or a designated advisor in the chosen degree program.


Student Conduct 

Graduate students are subject to the same rules of behavior that govern undergraduates. Administrative regulations governing the conduct of students enrolled at Southern University are contained in the Code of Student Conduct. Included in that publication are rules and regulations governing student rights and responsibilities, the University Judicial System, disciplinary sanctions, penalties, violations, and types of offenses. 

A copy of the Code of Student Conduct may be obtained from the Office for Students Affairs.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-380, Section 513, amending the General Education Provisions Act, Section 438) students enrolled at Southern University are hereby informed of their right of access to their official records as described in the Act. For additional information, contact the Office of the Registrar.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act defines the term "directory information" as the student's name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational institution attended. The University will make public information about each student limited to these categories in ways such as those described above. Information from all these categories, however, is not made public in every listing. 

Students who do not wish to have any or all of such directory information made public without prior consent must notify the Office of the Registrar in a signed and dated statement specifying the information that they do not wish to be published. The notice must be received by the Office of the Registrar by the end of the registration period of the semester or summer term of first enrollments, or after an absence and re-enrollment, and by the end of each fall registration period thereafter. 

Records of Students 

Final grades for each semester are officially recorded and filed in the Office of the Registrar. Grade reports are submitted to students. However, approximately 10 days will be required to post grades and issue transcripts for students who have completed courses and wish this work to be included on their transcripts. 

Transcripts cannot be released until all debts to the University are paid in full. 

Regulations Governing Student Records

Campuses comprising the Southern University System shall comply fully with regulations of Section 438, Privacy Rights of Parents and Students, ofthe General Education Provisions Act. This insures students access to their educational records maintained by the University, and prohibits the release of personally identifiable information except as specified by the law. 

The Chancellor shall inform students of the rights accorded them by law. 

  • To gain access to their academic records, students must submit written requests or present themselves to the Office of the Registrar. 
  • Personally identifiable information from educational records cannot be released without the student's permission except: 
  • To Southern University personnel who have legitimate educational interest as determined by the University 
  • To other educational institutions in which the student seeks to enroll, (the student may obtain a copy of the record that was transferred) 
  • To public agencies as specified in the Act
  • To agencies and offices requesting records in connection with the student's application for financial aid
  • To accrediting agencies 
  • To parents of students who are dependents for income tax purposes 
  • To courts of law in response to court orders or subpoenas Policies governing disciplinary procedures for the University are included in the Code of Student Conduct manual, available in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. 

Requests for access to educational records by any person other than the Graduate Student shall be refused unless the student has submitted a written, dated, and signed waiver to allow access to the records. The waiver must specify the records to be released, the reasons for the release, and names of persons to whom records should be released.