
Any student previously enrolled in graduate study at Southern University with regular status, who has not been in attendance for two consecutive semesters should apply for readmission to the Graduate School at least four weeks prior to the first day of registration for the term in which the student expects to resume studies. Admission forms may be obtained from the Graduate Office and returned to that office when completed. They should be returned 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester or term that the student wishes to re-enter.


Undergraduate (Privileged Seniors) 


A graduating senior at Southern University who has earned a "B" average on all work pursued and who lacks no more than seven semester hours (four in the Summer session) for the completion of his/her baccalaureate degree may enroll in graduate courses for graduate credit. Prior approval of the 


Dean of the Graduate School, the student's undergraduate department chair and the course instructor is required. A maximum of six semester hours of advanced standing from the graduate credits may be accumulated while the student is enrolled as an undergraduate. After a student has enrolled in the Graduate School, these six credit hours of graduate-level courses earned with a grade of A or 8 and taken under this provision may be applied toward a graduate degree at Southern University provided that: Credits for the courses have not been used for an undergraduate degree at Southern University provided that:

  • Credits for the courses have not been used for an undergraduate degree 
  • Transfer is approved by the student's chosen department 
  • Transfer is made as soon as the student is admitted into a graduate program 
  • Credits may be transferred only from non-degree status at the university and a regionally accredited university or college in courses where a grade of "8" or better has been earned. 

It should be noted that this provision is only a permission for a superior graduating senior to take graduate courses and should not be construed as admission to Graduate School.