College of Agricultural, Human and Environmental Sciences
Chancellor-Dean: Orlando F. McMeans
Vice Chancellor for Academics - Associate Dean: Renita W. Marshall
Executive Assistant to the Chancellor-Dean: Jacqueline Dixon
Special Assistant to the Chancellor-Dean: Angela Phelps
Administrative Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academics - Associate Dean: TBA
The College of Agricultural, Human and Environmental Sciences (CAHES) embraces a mission that is consistent with the University’s tripartite mission of teaching, research and public service. The CAHES prepares students for professional careers in food, fiber, urban forestry and natural resources, environmental sciences, human sciences, and Agricultural Sciences and Technology using innovative strategies, up-to-date technologies, and current information. The program provides students with the fundamentals underlying their chosen disciplines, practical applications and solutions to discipline-related problems, and opportunities to transfer knowledge to others in a variety of formal and informal settings.
The Department of Environmental Toxicology offers a Ph.D. and the Department of Urban Forestry, Environment and Natural Resources offers a Master’s and Ph.D. degrees.