CRJU 520B Adv Crime Scene Anal/Constr

CRJU 520. CRIMINOLOGY (3 credit hours). This course involves an advance study of the nature and scope of delinquency and crime problems, surveys the available theoretical formulations concerning the causes of criminal behavior, and the policy implications for the Criminal Justice System. Students will also be exposed to the myths relating to crime and Criminal Justice. A special emphasis will be placed on the role of race, class, culture, and gender differences, as they relate to the Criminal Justice System¿s response to crime in the community. Course Emphasis: Emphasis will be on the classical and contemporary theories of definitions, correlates, and causes of crime, and the relationship of criminological theory to the Criminal Justice System policy. This course aims to further genuine understanding of the course content, the development of key concepts, and the ability to think critically about issues, problems, and concerns addressed by the theoretical explanation of crime and criminal behavior.



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